What Temperature Should You Wear Base Layers?

What Temperature Should You Wear Base Layers?

What Temperature Should You Wear Base Layers?

Adding an extra layer of clothing underneath your other pieces of clothing may seem counterintuitive when exercising and wanting to keep cool when dressing for a hot summer’s day, but a base layer is a great choice for many reasons.

We bring you this article to explain what happens to a base layer in different temperatures and how it can benefit you in those temperatures, along with if there is a certain temperature in which you should wear a base layer – so keep reading to learn more.


What Is a Base Layer?

A base layer is a layer of clothing that is purposely designed to be worn during any physical activity, as it benefits the body in many ways. A base layer sits close to your skin and is intended to be a snug fit without being restrictive. Other layers of clothing can be worn on top of your base layer, it just needs to be the first one sitting on your skin.

A base layer is made from specially formulated fabric that helps to regulate your body temperature and provides supportive compression to the muscles, all whilst being able to move freely.


What Are Base Layers Designed For?

Base layers have two main purposes which firstly are; to absorb sweat effectively – helping to pull sweat away from the skin and secondly, for the material to dry as fast as possible.

The fast drying formula of base layers ensures the body and the skin are always kept dry. Base layers prevent the wearers from experiencing a chill from cold sweat when they stop exercising whilst also preventing wearers from getting too hot when sweating or exercising in hot weather.

Sweating is nature’s way of cooling you down. It ensures we don’t overheat and suffer internally. Humans sweat directly through our skin via sweat glands. Evaporating sweat from our bodies and onto our skin helps to cool down the body.

Having the wrong type of clothing on can hinder the body’s function to cool itself down. This is particularly limiting when partaking in sports or physical activity where the body is meant to perform to the best of its abilities.

Base layers are made from specially engineered fabric that helps you maintain the right body temperature in all weather conditions and allows the wearer to sweat comfortably whilst keeping them dry.


How Do Base Layers Work?

For base layers to work effectively, they have to have as much contact with the skin as possible. This is the reason why base layers have been described and should fit like a ‘second skin’.

The second skin nature of base layers is what enables them to absorb the sweat as quickly as possible. The quicker the absorption the quicker the base layer can dry and keep the wearer dry too. A base layer, therefore, mimics the skin and its ability to help the body cool down.


What Temperature Should You Wear Base Layers?

You can wear your base layers no matter what the temperature is. Base layers prevent you from getting cold which helps you to keep you warm by trapping in the heat – similar to how a thermal layer would.

Base layers also help to keep you cool when the body perspires in hot weather. They are good to wear in any weather, and when the body is at any temperature too.

When it is hot, your base layers will wick moisture away from the body. The especially thin material of a base layer will dry almost instantly, ensuring you are cool and comfortable at all times.

When the weather is cold, base layers trap heat close to the body. Keeping heat in this way will prevent the wearer from getting cold. When we sweat in cold weather, sweat makes the wearer colder. This will not happen when wearing base layers – they are the answer to body temperature regulation whatever the temperature.


Your Base Layer Is Not Designed to Keep You Warm

Base layers are often confused with thermal layers. Thermal layers also sit next to your skin and underneath any other layers of clothing you might be wearing. This is the understandable reason why thermal layers often get confused with base layers.

Thermals are designed to keep you warm – however, base layers perform in many other beneficial ways as mentioned. A real base layer is not designed to keep you warm – they aim to prevent you from getting cold.


What Sport Can Base Layers Be Used For?

Base layers can be used for all kinds of different sports and activities. Some main and most popular sports that base layers are often worn in and recommended to wear include; cricket, football, rugby, cycling, hiking, running, climbing plus lots of other sporting activities.

Many of these activities and sports cause a person to get very hot and form a lot of perspiration. When stopping the moisture from the perspiration can cause the body to get extremely cold and shiver. Base layers prevent this from happening when playing sports.

You don’t have to be an athlete or partake in intense exercise to enjoy the amazing benefits of base layers. Base layers are perfect and can be worn day to day, for long walks or to wear on colder days too. The versatility of base layers is one not to be missed out on.


Mizos Apparel

You will now have learnt that base layers do not have to be worn in certain temperatures. Base layers can be worn in any weather conditions – that is the beauty of them.

Our Mizos Apparel Base Layers are high-performing base layers that are well worth the investment. Our brand of base layers is revolutionary. They provide wearers with the optimum body temperature, improved blood flow and compression which promotes muscle health and recovery and reduces your chances of injury.

Read more information on our website all about our men’s football base layer, our women’s base layer as well as our specially designed cycling base layers and running base layers too.

Any questions you might have about base layers and our products you can get in touch. Our contact form can be found on our website as well as links to our social media.

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