14 Apr Are Base Layers Good for Cycling?
Base layers can benefit you and your performance in any sport or exercise – if you do not already wear a base layer when exercising, you are missing out. In this article we are going to discuss why base layers are good for cycling in particular, the benefits of base layers in general, why our Mizos Base Layers are particularly excellent, and how they can help you excel in any sport. Keep reading for more information on base layers for cycling.
What Are Base Layers?
A base layer is a layer of clothing that sits underneath your clothing and acts as a ‘second skin’. Often confused with thermals, base layers are not only intended to just keep you warm, but they also regulate your body temperature whatever the weather. They keep you warm in cold weather and cool you down in hot weather or as the body begins to perspire. It does this by absorbing perspiration and evaporating it through the garment and away from the body, ensuring you remain comfortable and dry at all times.
Why Wear a Base Layer?
Our Mizos Base Layers allow you to perform to your optimum in all weather conditions. The Mizos Fresco Base Layer range comes in multi-sport variations and all perform in any weather conditions.
Would I Benefit From Wearing a Base Layer When Cycling?
The answer is yes, whether it is summer or winter you will benefit from wearing a cycling base layer. Our Mizos Cycling Base Layers help to regulate your body temperature ensuring you have a comfortable ride.
Base layers sit underneath other items of clothing so they are not always visible to others, however, the most serious cyclists will always have a foundation base layer underneath their cycling kit.
Great for adding extra warmth on those days where it is a bit chilly and you don’t feel like getting on your bike, a base layer will help encourage you to do so by keeping you warm. Once paired with other excellent cycling layers, you are sure to have a comfortable and warm ride.
As base layers act as a temperature regulator, they can actually boost and enhance your performance all year round because they keep you so comfortable which enables you to move freely. Base layers really are a great investment to add to your cycling or to enhance your performance in any sport or exercise for that matter.
Cycling Specific Base Layers
A base layer designed for cycling lets a cyclist deliver their maximum performance throughout their cycle – always finishing dry and fresh.
When choosing which style base layer to go for, take note of the time of year. In the winter months, you will want to prioritise wearing a long-sleeved base layer for the additional warmth they provide. Your arms and hands will be the first thing to get cold from the force of the wind when cycling, particularly in the winter so it’s important to maintain your warmth so you can operate your bike and control it effectively.
Short-sleeved options are great for warmer months and are still worth wearing for the purpose of wicking sweat away from the body. Early summer mornings and late evenings in the UK can still be chilly too and this is where a base layer is your perfect companion to any temperature switch throughout the day.
Why Choose Mizos Base Layers
At Mizos if you are a cyclist you have the choice of sleeveless, short or long-sleeved base layers. Weight is everything so our garments are made from ultra-light fabric and work by taking the heat and moisture from your body and evaporating it quickly out of the garment.
We have perfected the cycling base layer as our high tech fabrics are specially formulated, all of our products are of extremely high quality and are super effective in hot, cold and wet weather conditions.
The technology in the fabric also means it does not tighten on the body nor does it hold onto moisture, it also has wind-blocking properties which keep you sheltered from cold winds.
How Should My Cycling Base Layer Fit?
For the best cycling base layers, a well-fitting garment should fit snug and close to the skin. Base layers including for cyclists are designed to move sweat away from the skin to keep you comfortable, dry and able to perform at your best throughout your cycling journey, for base layers to do this effectively they must be close enough to the skin to be able to pick up any moisture.
On the other hand, a base layer will work most effectively fitting snug to the skin on cold days too, as it allows for heat to be trapped in, close to the body and therefore will help to keep you warm.
Compression base layers are made to add compression to your muscles which reduces the build-up of lactic acid by compressing before, throughout and after any physical exercise.
Things to Avoid In Base Layers
Something that you can control when it comes to base layers is the fit. You want to avoid a baggier fit, if the fit of your base layer is loose or baggy the moisture-wicking abilities are then lost. Which can leave you with uncomfortable moisture against your skin, which can cool down suddenly when you stop moving, making you cold – which is not ideal for cycling especially.
If you are not used to snug-fitting clothing and you think it might be uncomfortable, then worry not! Our base layers are super comfortable and act as a second skin, the ultra-lightweight material is totally non-restricting and temperature control will help you stay comfortable at all times.
Advantages of Cycling Base Layers
As well as all the points mentioned above some other advantages of cycling base layers include the fact that if you do happen to fall off when riding your bike, base layers can play a part in preventing road rash, as an extra layer of specially formulated fabric between your skin and the hard road surface act as a layer of protection for your skin.
A tight fit base layer will prevent any rubbing or chaffing from your bike, particularly good if you are cycling for long periods. This is another reason why your base layers should fit tight so it does not move around and cause unnecessary chafing.
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